Monday, February 14, 2011

蘋果優格冰砂/Apple Yogurt Slush with M&Ms

Happy Valentines Day everyone!  I decided to cook at home for this Valentines Day since it’s raining like crazy outside in Vancouver today.

I started thinking what to make for dessert on Valentines Day.  Although we have a hyper little one running around everywhere in the house, I think it’s still important that we all have something sweet to celebrate our loves and passions. Nothing melts a heart like Valentines Day chocolates. 

It’s really rainy outside and I want to make an easy dessert with ingredients that I already have at home.  The only chocolates we have at home are the M&M's that we bought from Costco during the holiday season.  We always have apples and yogurt in the fridge, so why not Apple Yogurt Slush with M&Ms?  It’s delicious and easy to make!

Ingredients (this is enough for two people):

·      1 apple
·      1 cup of yogurt
·      1 cup of ice
·      1 cup of vanilla ice cream 
·      ½ lemon
·      A few M&Ms
·      1 tsp honey (optional)


1.     Core and peel the apple and cut as small pieces. 
2.     In a blender, add apple yogurt, ice, ice cream, honey and squeeze the lemon juice and blend to a high speed to desired consistency.
3.     Transfer to a glass or dessert bowl.  Add M&Ms and enjoy!


  1. Kelly - Everything looks SOOOOO good! You've inspired me to try Chinese cooking. I'm not sure which recipe I'm going to make first, but I'll let you know how it goes.
    Keep posting these wonderful pictures and your easy instructions!!

  2. Thanks for your comment Nathalia! Please go ahead and try! Most dishes are really easy to make. Please let me know how that goes or if you have any questions.
    I'll update the blog almost every day and will post video tutorials later. Please stay tuned!
