About Kelly

I was born in the 70s in Central China. Life was so simple back then, all that people wanted was to maintain good health by eating well.  I remember the first time seeing my mom cooking when I was 4. I was so amazed how my mom could turn all the ingredients into a beautiful delicious dish.

Food has always been my passion. I have been cooking since I was 9.  My mom always told me to “cook with love”.   I didn’t understand that until today, now that I have a family. I’m the mother of a beautiful little girl and the wife of a wonderful man.  I want to make my family the healthiest comfort food.  When my daughter runs to me and says “more, more”, and when my husband says to me “this is so delicious!” Then I realize what “cooking with love” means.

When I came to North America in 2001, I was surprised to hear that lots people say “greasy Chinese food”.  I wondered why they said that because I think Chinese food is healthy and comforting. Chinese food is not all greasy, it can be very healthy and certain Chinese foods are said to treat medical conditions. It’s healthy, it’s natural and it’s been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years in China. It’s homemade.

I want to share my passion for food and the recipes I have learned over the 20 something years.  I have travelled all over China and learned so many different styles of cooking.  I also like to create new tastes by combining Western ingredients and cooking styles with the Chinese ingredients and styles that I grew up with.  I love trying something new and sharing my recipes and ideas with everyone. Chinese cooking is fun, healthy and easy and I hope that you share my passion and spread it to the world.



Why blogging?

Ever since I launched my blog, people have asked me why I decided to do a cooking blog, when did I start liking to cook etc...  Even some of my closest friends said that they didn’t know I had such a passion for cooking and would never imagine that I would do a cooking blog.  I don’t blame them because a lot of people don’t know this side of me. 

Before becoming a mom, I was always in the corporate world.  I was a very serious, driven and focused career person.  After coming to Canada to pursue my career I worked at two major software companies and accomplished several honors and awards.  I was always on the go but even though my life was strictly career and taking me all over the world, I never forgot that the most rewarding and relaxing thing for me was making delicious meals and learning new recipes and cooking styles.

A beautiful Summer day in 2009, I gave birth to my first daughter Valentina.  I couldn’t believe how much I would enjoy being a mom and how much I love this little baby.  When I tried to return to work after one-year of maternity leave the feeling of being separated from my baby was killing me.  Like most new moms, I went through a very hard time trying to balance a career, social life and family responsibilities.  I eventually quit the job that I loved to embrace the family life and indulge in my passion for cooking - which has been a large part of my life since I was a child.

Now I'm a mother of two beautiful little girls.  My second daughter was born in 2013.  I launched this cooking blog as a way to celebrate being a mother and to keep the fire insider me burning.  I have also always supported charitable causes and thought it would be a great idea to grow this blog into a showcase combing cooking and recipes with creative ways to fundraise and donate.  I've been blessed with good friends, business success, a lovely family and home and now its time let my taste-buds be my guide, share my recipes and love for cooking with everyone and try to give something back along the way!